Need a Cure for Adulthood? Play!
Bring more vitality to your relationship by finding ways to play.
Bring more vitality to your relationship by finding ways to play.
Peace means being curious about your own "inner wars" and moving forward with values and ideals that spring from a ...
A person who relates more to their phone than to their partner can end up in an emotional vacuum. ...
It's enlivening to explore and take risks (within reason) in committed relationships--to color outside the lines of our comfort ...
As we enter adulthood, and intimate relationships, the need to develop greater feeling literacy grows.
Romantic relationships cycle through three common phases: connection, disconnection, and repair. Each of these phases requires our skillful attention, though ...
Habitually focusing on a partner’s need to do the "right" thing rather than on your own need to control them ...
Jealousy is one of those emotions many of us don’t like to admit we feel. But it can actually be ...
When you live in a culture that prizes invulnerability, becoming "feeling literate" in your relationships is a revolutionary act.
Hitting bottom means giving up the hope of rescue and recognizing that the solution doesn't lie "out there." Radical relationship ...
Often, feeling sexual desire isn't about sex. It's about other domains in a person's life such as safety, self-worth, self-acceptance, ...
Self-love can be one of the most challenging types of love. But where's the glory in only loving ourselves when ...