What do you do when there’s so much to worry about: your job, income, family, relationships, community, country, planet? When the last thing you want to deal with is getting to bed on time, making yourself a healthy meal, returning a friend or family member’s phone call, or going for a walk?
In times like these, in the middle of a dark winter, it can be hard to find the energy for basic self-care–or even to remember what self-care looks like.
The acronym SANER can help remind you of self-care basics, when life gets complicated: Sleep, Alcohol intake, Nutrition, Exercise, and Relationships.
Staying SANER Begins With…

Sleep: Are you getting 7-9 hours of sleep, starting between 8pm and midnight? Keeping devices out of your bedroom? Winding down before bed with screen-free alone time or soothing partnered time? (I’m interviewed here in this article on sleep hygiene.)
Alcohol intake: Are you drinking too much alcohol (or using any other mind-altering substance)? Could you go a few days without it? Or longer–a few weeks or months? Could you complete a sobriety challenge with your partner and experiment with new ways of relaxing?
Nutrition: Are you eating healthy meals regularly, including legumes and leafy or nutrition-packed vegetables? Are you taking time to savor your meals? Are you drinking 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 liters of water a day?
Exercise: Are you moving your body around your home, block, yard or city (not just your fingers on a keyboard)? Walking? Running? Biking? Stretching? Could you do some sit-ups and pushups every morning before starting your day?
Relationships: Are you taking time to connect with people who care about and accept you as you are, even when you’re a hot mess? Are you letting them know how they could support you?
Finding your sweet spot with these issues will make it easier to handle life’s uncertainties and challenges.
Picture credits: Pixabay Stocksnap and Supermapio